Rules for granting a psychotherapist’s certificate issued by the Polish Society for Psychodynamic Psychotherapy (certificate requirements)
The certificate of psychotherapist of the Polish Society for Psychodynamic Psychotherapy may be issued to persons who:
- Are full members of the Polish Society for Psychodynamic Psychotherapy.
- Have completed 1,250 hours of theoretical and practical training in psychodynamic psychotherapy, including at least:
- 50 hours of the theory of psychopathology from a psychodynamic perspective,
- 150 hours of supervision (including 30 hours of individual supervision) by a full member of the Polish Society for Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, and, in justified cases, certified supervision from another society approved by the Certification Committee,
- 250 hours of personal experience in the psychodynamic paradigm in relationship with a full member of the Polish Society for Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, and, from 2020, with a certified psychotherapist of the Polish Society for Psychodynamic Psychotherapy; in justified cases, a certified psychotherapist from another society approved by the Certification Committee. The requirement includes at least 100 hours of individual psychotherapy – except for individuals who hold a training certificate issued before 2016 (inclusive).
- 300 hours of clinical internship in a centre that employs psychotherapy, allowing contacts with patients with various diagnoses and cooperation with mental healthcare specialists.
- Have conducted psychodynamic psychotherapy for at least 3 years. The period of 3 years is counted from the moment of completion of training in psychodynamic psychotherapy.
- Have obtained a positive written opinion from a certified supervisor of the Polish Society for Psychodynamic Psychotherapy to confirm their professional qualifications (including competences, ethical attitude, and personality).
- Have presented the Certification Committee with a written case study from their psychotherapeutic work with a patient with an evident psychotic, neurotic, or personality disorder. The work should present: the clinical understanding of the patient, the evolution of the diagnostic process, the course of treatment, the description of its most important processes, and the presentation of the theoretical knowledge employed in planning and conducting the therapy.
- Have participated in at least 2 conferences or symposia organized by the Polish Society for Psychodynamic Psychotherapy.
- Have transferred a fee of PLN 1200 for the expenses of the certification procedure to the account of the Society, with a note “Certification Procedure” (the fee is established for a given calendar year by the Executive Board).
- Have submitted a declaration of adherence to the Code of Ethics of the Polish Society for Psychodynamic Psychotherapy in their work and a completed questionnaire.
The documents should be sent, together with proof of payment, in two copies to the following address:
Polish Society for Psychodynamic Psychotherapy
ul. Zamoyskiego 56
30-523 Kraków, Poland
with a note reading “Certification Committee”.
The Certification Committee shall examine the documents and investigate the candidate’s compliance with the formal requirements, review the submitted case study, and if the review is positive, it shall invite the Candidate to an oral exam that constitutes the main part of the procedure. If a Candidate positively completes all the steps, the Certification Committee shall recommend them to the Executive Board. At its next session, the Executive Board shall vote to grant them a Certificate. The Candidate shall then pay a fee of PLN 300 and receive the relevant document. The certificate needs to be renewed after 7 years.